

Setting Up Weekly (or Monthly) Call Reminders for Your Partners

Stand apart from the other Loan Officers that only send their partners Holiday Marketing. Add your top partners to a weekly call or a monthly call for those partners you still want to keep in contact with, just not as frequently.


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  1. From the Partners screen select Forms.
  2. Select the Partner Marketing option from the Forms drop-down in the center of the Partners view.


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  1. Weekly Partner Call – Choose which day of the week you want to be reminded to call your partner. This option is best for the partners that refer you the most business.
  2. Monthly Partner Call – Choose this option for partners that you want to stay in touch with, but aren’t necessarily your top referral partners.

You can add all of your partner calls to a single day if you like to “batch” your partner calls, or you can add a few to each day of the week. Use what works for you.

As always, you can email if you have any questions or need help.