

Adding a Client

Clients are borrowers.  They’re people.  So, Whiteboard is designed to keep personal data (like birthdays and phone numbers) separate from their Mortgage data. This article will teach you how to create an individual client record.  You can also import many clients at once using a CSV file.

Depending on where you are in Whiteboard, new clients can be added a few different ways and from most screens.The same basic information will be needed:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Cell Phone
  • Email Address


From the Dashboard


From the Client Detail View


From the Contacts View

Adding in the Cell Phone and Email are important because, without at least one of those pieces of information, you won’t be able to communicate with your client.

Fill out the information the form asks for and make sure to check the “Use this email address in campaigns” box so that your borrower will receive any email updates or communication while you’re working with them through the loan process. Click Save when done to be taken to the new Client Detail View.

The next step after adding a client is to create their Mortgage Opportunity.