With Whiteboard’s Playbook installed, your clients can automatically receive birthday and holiday wishes -and there’s very little, if anything you need to do.
Important: Your campaigns must be enabled for client birthday and holiday wishes to go out.
Please see the below list in it’s entirety to have a better understanding of the Whiteboard’s supplied client campaigns.
Automated Birthday and Holiday Campaigns
Birthday Campaign:
Client record must have listed date of birth (DOB)
Runs on December 25th of every year
As long as client does not celebrate Hanukkah.
Cinco De Mayo:
Runs on May 5th of every year
Runs on October 31st of every year
July 4th:
Runs on July 4th of every year
MLK Jr Day:
Runs ever January (planned)
New Year:
Runs January 1st of every year
St Patrick’s Day:
Runs on March 16th every year
Run’s every November (planned)
Valentines Day:
Runs February 14th of every year
Manually Configured Holiday Campaigns: These campaigns require a little “user intervention”, which can be managed via the
Holiday Form in the client form dropdown.
Celebrates Easter checkbox for “Yes” must be checked
Misc Flowers:
Requires a valid future date in the “Send Flowers Date” field
Requires a valid future date in the “Newborn DOB” field
Celebrates Hanukkah checkbox for “Yes” must be checked
Checking the box for “Remove from all Holiday Campaigns” will remove that specific client from all future birthday and holiday marketing.